Amplifier - Well+Being

Amplifier - Well+Being

Amplifier's new mental health and wellbeing campaign "Well + Being" includes artwork commissioned from 9 artists, focused on 10 themes that will be explored through augmented reality (AR) artwork.

The Artwork is titled “How to deal with worry!” by Yash Pradhan

Anxiety can look different for everyone, but one thing remains the same: navigating anxiety takes patience and practice. It also takes understanding the difference between stress and anxiety.

Stress is a physical or mental tension in response to a trigger, and anxiety is a feeling of intense worry or uneasiness that we experience when we’re facing something stressful.

This beautiful new AR-activated series addresses topics such as racial stress, communication techniques, and best practices for handling conflict. It emerged from original research and collaborative partnership with youth, with mental health experts, with artists from all over the globe, and with our frontline educators, 99% of whom said that students’ wellbeing impacts their learning in the classroom, and 83% of whom said that mental health was one of the most important social issues to their students.

The Illustration was later animated to bring it to life through Amplifiers AR App with the sound design by @spekwashere.
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